Monday, January 17, 2011

Labrador Retriever: Paw Pad Troubles

my Chocolate Lab's paw
The dog cut his paw and now of course won't leave it alone. The dial-a-vet said to have him wear a sock, which seems like a ridiculous idea.

Neosporin's been a bust too. He just licks it off. Once you finally get it on his paw, that is. He's frightened of all medications, including heart worm tablets disguised as "treats," so it took some doing to get him to cooperate.

I do believe antibiotics are in his future. I don't see how the dang thing is going to heal without some help.

I did cover his paw with a sock as the dial-a-vet recommended, and the dog seemed agreeable. As soon as I left the room, however, he promptly took off the sock and ate it. It took 4 days for him to throw it back up. I don't recommend the sock route.

We did end up needing a trip to the vet and antibiotics to get this cleared up.

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